Wilson’s Wave Mission

Even small efforts can ripple outwards like a wave, creating significant impact and fostering change.

Wilson’s Wave was founded to educate and alert the public about the dangers of fentanyl and counterfeit pills.

Our mission is to provide communities with the knowledge and tools they need to protect themselves and their loved ones from fentanyl.


W is for Wake Up! 

You are not immune to the opioid crisis. When you think you are you let your guard down. Lives are being lost every day. Stay aware.

A is for Accountable.

Accountability is key! Hold yourself and others accountable.

V is for Voice.

Voice what you know and share your concerns. In other words, when you see something, say something.

E is for Educated.

Educate yourself. Know the statistics and know where it is found. You can never have too much information to armor yourself from this crisis!

We offer educational resources, access to Naloxone, and a deep understanding of the mental health challenges that often accompany substance use.